If you have a personal or business website and want to get it indexed on Google then you will need to know about ranking factors. It is essential for you to know about the latest ranking algorithms of Google. We are taking a brief overview about the ranking factors on whose basis Google ranks various websites. The very first factor is domain level also known as domain authority. You can take care of this factor by getting all links from other websites on the web to your website. Thus web pages of other websites can get connected to similar pages of your website. In this context Google also gives importance to the use of powerful keywords that are concerned with the subject of your website. Google also takes a view of the relations of your website with other site owners on the web. It also checks the number of website links and quality of content that is being displayed on your website.
Other ranking factors of Google
Page authority is another essential factor of Google. Like domain authority this factor checks all linking pages of your website. It also checks the authority of page level at each web page. Another Google ranking element is keyword page level and keyword targeting. You should focus those keywords that are relevant to the subject of your website. This will help you to get indexed when any net user types and searches content with the same keywords seen at your website. Other factors are mobile compatibility of your website to work well on smart phones. You should have unique content so that Google may index it on top listings when any user seeks online information. Another factor of Google ranking is creating powerful hyperlinks. It you create hyperlinks on targeted keywords seen on your website then Google will become pleased and display your web pages on top lists.